Kirsten Youens is an environmental attorney and works on matters advocating for better protection of wildlife, specifically protected, endangered and threatened species, both terrestrial and marine. Here are 5 worthy things from her.
A book worth reading:
It is impossible to suggest only one book worth reading so here are three: (!)
Becoming by Michelle Obama.
A World of Three Zeroes by Muhammad Yunus.
Against All Odds by Andrew Pike.
A place worth visiting:
Pondoland on the Wild Coast, Eastern Cape. There are many ways to enjoy Pondoland but I love going on guided hikes with Environmentalist Sinegugu Zukulu who was born Xolobeni and has committed his life to the development of his community.
An activity worth doing:
Hiking. We have many mountain ranges, beaches and bush to hike. So far my favourites are the Northern Drakensberg, guided hiking in Pondoland and Wilderness Trails in Hluhluwe-iMfolozi.
A movie worth watching:
The Intouchables (not the be confused with The Untouchables) is a beautiful, hilariously funny French movie with Omar Sy in the lead role. It must be watched in French with subtitles to be properly enjoyed!
A quote worth repeating:
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” By anthropologist Margaret Mead